Major del Rectoret, 2, 08017 Barcelona, Spain |
MY-CAMP Barcelona 2019
Prihlasovanie tu: http://my-camp.org/register.html
With a great location comes a great responsibility to choose a party theme, so not to disappoint anyone you can have a choice of your favourite...
(meaning a group competition will be hold to decide which is the best one represented in the camp).
Best location ever, great people (up to 300 mensans!), amazing food, exclusive use of the venue, swimming pool and beaches, games, beer / wine / food tasting activities, great conversations and an awesome party!! This year the question is not why to come, but why not?
1) Register at my-camp.org (https://my-camp.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d029136fe7a64807e87e232dc&id=d1ce428354&e=b6383f4b9f)
The only tricky part here is the "Mensa Verification" that requires you to answer a question related to mensa.org, which requires you to have an account there first. If you are a +1, then enter the name of the member who invited you.
2) Top up your money
Go to "Payment" - "make a secure online payment" - choose an amount (minimum to sign up would be the room cost plus money for activities and snacks, the average tends to be about 60 euros) and then select a payment method. Sending money via SEPA/IBAN is the cheapest and costs 31 cents extra that you have to add, but it also takes some time. Take it into consideration in regards to timing your booking, because if you want to be fast and snatch a certain room it's good to have it all prepared. Also remember some payment methods make you pay 0.9%-2.8% more and if you choose that, don't forget to add that sum to the prior amount. If you transfer too much, don't worry, you can either withdraw that for 5€ or spend it on snacks and booze in this camp or the next ones.
3) Sign-Up
The page currently still is in MY-NY style and will switch eventually. As soon as it's officially open you can begin to book your room. You just need the important info, things like flights, emergency contact, etc. can be added after. Just be prepared, we can't estimate how soon your choice of room might be gone, so doing all the work before can save you frustration.
4) HYPE!
Go crazy because you've signed up, spread the love, infect others with the MY - Virus and prepare for the best summer ever. Once registered on the site, you'll be able to read all about the awesome venue, the facilities, and keep track of who's coming. Who are we kidding - everyone's going to be there for this awesome summer party!
If the website does not show up at the time of launch, you may have to press Ctrl + F5 to get the latest version.
Time to get excited (if you weren’t already)! :)
Join MY-CAMP in Barcelona for awesome holidays out of a fictional universe!
Facebook event: https://my-camp.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d029136fe7a64807e87e232dc&id=b2bcbe20e7&e=b6383f4b9f
Kind regards,
MY-CAMP Barcelona Team