EMAG 2022 - Strasbourg




EMAG (European Mensa Annual Gathering) bude tento rok od 27.júla do 31. júla 20022 v Štrasburgu.

Upozorňujeme, že Early Bird registration v cene 50 EUR je len do konca apríla, po prvom máji to bude 100 Eur. Ostatné sa všetko platí zvlášť, z najdôležitejších stretnutí je na začiatok ICE Breaker (20 Eur) a na konci Galla Dinner (50 Eur).

Hlavným cieľom je stretnutie s priateľmi – mensanmi z mnohých európskych krajín, pred pandémiou to bolo z celého sveta.

Jazykom všetkých medzinárodných stretnutí Mensy je angličtina.

Spomienka na EMAG 2013 v Bratislave, časť programu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgS4uM6FtC0

Uvažujeme, že pôjdeme aj autami, ak máte záujem, ozvite sa. Alebo sa snažte nájsť "dobré letenky".



Temporary list of Workshops and Lectures :

French for beginners, Podcast, Art and Artificial Intelligence, LGBTIQ+ Meet & Greet, Embroidery, Ikigai—Japanese concept for a happy life, Global risks and various solutions, Interlocking Puzzles, Improv Theater, Teamwork is unlikely—mostly the others are stupid, How to start your presentation?business psychology + interactive talk, How to be (have) smart, Dracula lecture, Mensa Foundation presentation, Feminist Heritage discovery, Storytelling—Convey your content in an exciting way, The Agri’food collage: A participatory workshop accessible to all to understand the challenges of our agricultural and food model, to get together and exchange on the actions to be taken in response.

The Climate Fresk: an innovative, efficient and accessible tool to understand the scientific bases underlying climate change.

The Digital Collage: a workshop to understand, as a team and in a fun way, the impact of digital technology on the environment.

The Biodiversity Fresk: discover the systemic aspect of biodiversity erosion: what it is, what it enables and what degrades it.

The 2-ton workshop: in 3 hours and in teams discover the individual and collective levers of the transition to a low-carbon society, project yourself to 2050 and identify the role you wish to play in this transition!


Sports : just some teasing at this point

– Yoga, Krav Maga, Biking, Running, Canoeing


Touristic activities :

Neustadt: the German imperial district (1871–1918), Walking tour of the cathedral and the old town, Old town walking tour, The Cathedral (12th—15th century), Coach tours of the city, Museums & Exhibitions : Discovering Jewish heritage, Habitat and traditions in Alsace, Strasbourg in the Middle Ages, The Tomi Ungerer Museum—International Centre for Illustration, The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, History Museum of the City of Strasbourg, The Archaeological Museum, The Fine Arts Museum, The Decorative Arts Museum and the reception rooms of the Palais Rohan, The Alsatian Museum.


Regional visits :

- Kehl, central Alsace, Northern Alsace, the Alsace Wine route.


Thematic visits :

European Parlement visit, Remarkable buildings of the European district, People and places emblematic of the Protestant Reformation, The Krutenau: a district filled with history, Learning Strasbourgs secrets, Monkey’s mountain and eagles’ aviary.


Food & other related stuff :

– Visit of an organic pig farm and his butcher shop. BBQ on site

– Cooking lessons

– Wine tastings

– Cheese tasting

– Chocolate tasting

– Beer Spa

– Bretzel cooking


Fun Zone :

– Wine in Black

– Wild in Black

– Escape Wine

– Naturescape

– Various escape games

– Destroy room

– Karaoke

– Beer quest

– Europapark



– Pro photos:

Leave the EMAG with professional pictures for your resumé and LinkedIn!

– Strike workshop:

France is famous for her cheese, her wine, but also for her all over the world famous French strikers!

Experiment a French strike in this Workshop!

– Carbon compensation: Plant some trees!

– Germany-France SIG meeting

– SIGHT: Introduction/coordinators

– EMAG Panel: open session/close session

– Mensa France Board meeting


More details on https://emag22.fr/1448-2/



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