Voľby do Mensy International 2017 - výsledky

Milí priatelia, zapojili ste sa do volieb do Mensy International, ktorej je Mensa Slovensko súčasťou. Volili sme funkcie:

  • International Chairman
  • International Director - Administration
  • International Director - Development
  • International Treasurer

Predstavenie kandidátov


Výsledky do volieb MI 2017:

International Chairman - Bibiana BALÁNYI  (Maďarsko)

International Director of Administration - Dan BURG (USA)

International Director of Development - Rudi CHALLUPNER (Rakúsko)

International Treasurer - Nick Sanford (USA)






Your national group will have supplied you with a votekey consisting of two codes to enter the web site for electronic voting and may have provided you with a unique direct link to the site bypassing the requirement for codes. The web site is:  www.ersvotes.com/mensainternational2017


IQ test pripravený Mensou

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Vstupný IQ test Mensy
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