Thank you for the nice memories.

Thank you for the nice memories.

When I left Slovakia on the morning of October 28, 2019 - I knew the world was going to change soon.

I could not tell you, because no one would have believed me.

Even in February -when the virus had already arrived in Italy- I was insulted and called a fool for asking questions about our future.

Eighteen months later today, sadly we have to conclude: "Alex Jones was right again."

Many of our freedoms have been taken away.

Our freedom of speech, of traveling, of work, school, normal interaction with friends and family and much, much more.

A bombardment of propaganda has turned many of us into usefull idiots and boiling frogs.

I will not take the vaccine and I refuse to get tested.

I have seen the scenario's (or "plans") and I have listend to sencored scientists.

So I am "locked down" in my country and I cannot travel now.

Hopefully the world will return to normal some day.

Thank you for the nice memories.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

I wish you all the best.


+31 6 25160671

[email protected]


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